Super Easy Superhero Capes

For my little man’s 4th birthday party, I decided to create superhero capes for all the kids so they could run around and fight crime together. Great idea – but with minimal time I had to think quick. I definitely didn’t have enough time to buy material and sew each of them a cape. Besides, just because JBear was into superheroes didn’t mean that other kids were. So should I invest the time in making each of them a cape just to have it tossed out or used as a rag when they got home.

Still I loved the idea so I came up with a compromise…..super quick and easy garbage bag capes; a great addition to any superhero birthday party. Best part, there would be no hard feelings if they simply got tossed at the end of the night.

So let’s get to it. Step one was to buy black garbage bags, done and done. See I told you it would be easy. 😉

Step two, lay the garbage bags out on the floor and cut a diagonal strips as indicated in the picture below:

Step three, cut horizontally along the top. These will create easy ties for the cape.

Step four, make sure you also cut out a scoop around the neck area so the cape doesn’t bunch when you tie it.

Step five, print off cute and colourful superhero stars with each child’s name on it. These will be cut out and fixed to the back of the cape using clear laminating sheets. You can also use tape or glue, but I found the laminating sheets to stick well so the names didn’t fall off as kids raced from one room to the other. I also chose a different symbol (batman, of course) for the birthday boy since it was his special day.

Stick each name to their cape and voila – easy peasy superhero capes.

I was actually surprised how much the kids liked these. Top them off with dollar store masks and you can have your very own justice league fighting crime in no time.

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