Monthly Archives: July 2013

Hump Day – It’s The Best.

I love Jennifer Lawrence.

Haha truth.

Work not my friends!!! For it is HUMP DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Now you may wonder, how do I really feel about Wednesdays….

Nacho Libre 


this is my life.

I believe that not only have I seen this face at least once, but I have also made this face at least once.

The face of a man who’s 24601% done…

Oh my God!!! I have this!

ADCD - never fails to happen with me

So funny!!!

I love auto correct!  LoL!    These made me laugh so hard I cried!


And my closing thought for today….

lol, the new music video. xP

Happy Hump Day!

DIY Face Scrub

Bit by bit I am doing by best to step out of my comfort zone and do what I really enjoy. I’ve been saying that I want to do more tutorials and I’ve filmed a TON of them but (to be honest) never post them because I am my own worst critic.  Then I read this…


No more excuses. No more waiting. Time to start walking (even if it is only on my tip toes) in the direction I want to go. 🙂 So without further hesitation, here is my DIY Lemon and Sugar Face Scrub tutorial. Be kind. 😉


Air Conditioned Hell


Can you tell I just love my job? 😉 There are so many things I would rather be doing but it’s Monday and that means another fun filled week sitting in air conditioned hell. 😉

Monday is coming.

But….with A LOT of motivation and inspiration, I am confident we can make the best out of this situation. 😉 We got this guys – let’s kick some ass this week!

Fridays are a special day to reflect on the people's lives you spared during the week. Mondays are when you kick ass and take name.


Challenge your limits!



Some inspiration for today.


today is a perfect day to start living your dreams