Category Archives: Awards

Sharing The Love

Today I’m sharing the love with the Blog On Fire Award.


Many thanks go out to Anouchka from Life of Bun who nominated me for this award. If you haven’t seen her blog, you should definitely check it out. She is so talented and her blog is one that I read daily.

Now for the rules…

List 8 random things about yourself :

  1. I was born in Canada, however consider myself Italian first and foremost
  2. I hate change and yet have moved a total of 7 times in 11 years. I don’t get it either. 😉
  3. I call my mother every night, even if it is for a minute just to tell her I love her
  4. I hate being told I can’t do something and will find a way to do it just to prove I can.
  5. I used to be a volunteer firefighter and first responder (loved every minute of it) – as requested I have added two photos below.
  6. I love doing my makeup and hair but am very much a tom boy at heart
  7. I love watching shows about the paranormal  then get scared and turn on every light in the house
  8. I think I am a little bit of a feminist. The second you compare girls to guys I get all wound up. This goes hand in hand with #4.

Nominate 8 of your favorite blogs and let them know:

This part is super hard because there are so many blogs I love and would like to nominate. I will do my best to mix it up a little. Here we go (in no particular order):

  1. Now At Home Mom
  2. Canadian Hiking Photography
  3. Sadie & Dasie
  4. Once a Month 4 Ladies
  5. Bucket List Publications
  6.  clotildajamcracker
  7. Living Young & Wild & Free
  8. Davisville Design

All these blogs are so different and great in their own way…….they are indeed, Blogs on Fire. 😉

Thank you to Life of Bun for the nomination and a big “Thank You” to all of you that have stopped by. Feel free to link your blog or a blog you feel is on fire, below.

P.S. – here are two photo’s of my fire fighting days.

That is me on the right.


Beautiful Blogger and Liebster Awards

I love sharing little projects I’ve attempted, bits of inspiration, things I find funny (yes I am that person that must get everyone in the room to look at something when I find it tickles my funny bone), and of course my stream of consciousness.

The fact that you wonderful people read my blog, is something that I never take for granted and greatly appreciate.  So when I get nominated for blogger awards, you can imagine my surprise and gratitude.

First and formost, thank you Ingrid (from now at home mom) for nominating me for these awards. I love your blog and am honored that you nominated me for these awards.


Here are the rules for these awards:

Beautiful Blogger Award Rules:

The idea behind the Beautiful Blogger Award is to recognize some of the bloggers we follow for their hard work and inspiration.

Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog. Tell 7 things about yourself. 4. Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award, and comment on their blogs to let them know.

For the Liebster award:

Include the award Logo(s) in a post or in your blog.  Answer 10 questions about your self. Nominate 10 to 12 other fabulous bloggers. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know they are nominated. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

So here it goes……..

Seven things about me for the Beautiful Blogger Award:

  1. My greatest accomplishment is having my little boy – JBear.
  2. I cherish my family above all else – I am nothing without them.
  3. I am a true Gemini – I will start 100 projects at the same time (drives my hubby nuts).
  4. I am a country girl through and through (something about that fresh air, there is nothing like it).
  5. I am never content to stay still – I am always trying to improve myself.
  6. I am old-school at heart and fight technology at every whim
  7. I am still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.

These are 10 questions about me for the Liebster Award:

1. Favorite Color : Blue-grey (like the sky right before it storms)
2. Favorite Animal : giraffe
3. Favorite Number : 31
4. Favorite Non Alcoholic Drink: Ginger ale
5. Prefer FB or Twitter: Facebook – don’t know how to really use Twitter yet (tips anyone??)
6. My Passion : Blogging (I’m hooked!)
7. Prefer Getting or Giving Gifts: giving gifts 100%
8. Favorite Pattern : don’t have one
9. Favorite Day Of The week : Saturday (sleeping in – OH YEAH!)
10. Favorite Flower : forget me not’s

And now to pass this honor on and nominate bloggers that inspire me. This is the hardest part because I can’t nominate everyone and all of you deserve such awards. But rules are rules so here we go….

  1. One Charming Life
  2. Light Friday
  3. Sadie & Dasie
  4. Fiammisday
  5. Lipstick and Stilletos
  6. Healthy Glow Nutrition
  7. Rue 29 House
  8. Texana’s Kitchen
  9. In my opinion
  10. Once a month for ladies

Thank you all for inspiring me daily.

P.S. For those of you keeping track of the “in your face, I have a PhD” count, here is today’s total:

Morning = 7

Afternoon = 4

Line of the day: “‘Damn it Jim I’m not a doctor!’ but I can’t say that anymore because I am a doctor.” 

Yes she actually said that. I can see your collective eye rolls from here! LOL!!

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

This week, much to my surprise and delight, Jen at DOCKFAM ADVENTURES nominated me for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. I absolutely love her blog. It is down to earth, relatable and always seems to get me to chuckle. So first and foremost, I would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to Jen for the nomination. (I actually called my hubby and family in Canada to tell them about this nomination….what can I say, this is huge to me.) 😉

After reading through her post and looking at additional blogs I came across these rules (listed by Jackie at Change is Good) She wrote them so eloquently, I simply I added them to my site and give her full credit:

PLEASE NOTE RULES CAN BE ADDED TO/AMENDED if deemed appropriate; let’s be creative, and let’s grow & improve, but let’s also keep to the spirit of the award.

1. The Nominee of the Wonderful Team member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her post/page and/or sidebar

2. The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days (1 week) – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be ALL on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, etc.

3. The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.

4. The Nominee shall make these rules, or amended rules keeping to the spirit of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, known to each reader s/he nominates.

5. The Nominee must finish this sentence and post: ”A Great reader is…”

The rules above are not set in stone. By nominating the blogs I thought deserved it, I do out of respect. It’s because I love how they always interact with other bloggers. Reading and commenting. They in my humble opinion represent the bloggers who support other bloggers in the best way! It is no way because I want to spam my blog, or get new readers. I really only want to honor other bloggers! Please don’t feel you are any way obligated in following the rules or doing anything other than accepting.

Choosing nominees was a lot harder than I thought – I had so many that are worthy of such an award but had to narrow it down to 14. So with that in mind, here are my nominees in no particular order:

John Ford

Life of Bun

Living Young & Wild & Free

Simply Eclectic

Bucket List Publications

Canadian Hiking Photography

Sweet Little Thing

le zoe musings

29 Rue House




This Nest Is Blessed

Door 251

To my nominees, thank you for doing what you do and inspiring those around you.

If you’d like to accept and participate in the award cycle, here’s the logo that you can proudly display on your blog:

I hope all of you check out these sites – they are fabulous reads and all very unique in their own way.

And last but not least……

A Great reader is…all of you who read our blogs. Readers are what makes blogging fun!