Category Archives: Beauty

What’s Your Passion?

Everyone has one, or two, or three, or more things in their life that they just adore doing. It goes beyond just a past time, it is that passion that defines you. That love that captures your heart regardless of how old you get.

I have so many but the one passion that has stood the test of time for me is photography. I love taking pictures of people when they least expect it.  The candid photos that capture the very essence of that moment.  And of course, my favorite shots are those of my family.  Here are some of my favorites:




I also like to get a little artsy now and then….;-)

For every “perfect” picture that I take, I have about 30 that don’t turn out the way I wanted them to. Yet, every time I run out the door, I make sure I have my camera in tow because you just never know if today may be the day you get that perfect picture. 

Now it’s your turn. What is your passion?

Dress For Success

Tank tops are the flip flops of the shirt world....

Do you ever feel like you get in a rut? Yeah we all do now and then. Mine latest rut is with my office wardrobe. I wear the same boring clothes every day. This is a common outfit that is sported around my office…

Basic black women's suit. Jacket and slacks. Jacket and skirt.

To me, this is BORING!!!! I want some colour, some curve, something that is feminine yet says I won’t take crap from anyone.

Dress for Success by justaddglam

So I say, time to start over and make some changes.  Reinvent myself and what a better time than now, on the cusp of a new season….Fall.

I just entered to win $5,000 and helped #SmartOnes donate to @Dress for Success! You can too! #inspiringsmartbeginnings

I love this, it is strong, bold and very feminine.

red + leopard


suited style ♥✤ | KeepSmiling | BeStayBeautiful

This is so simple and yet so gorgeous!

Cream Skirt & Top ♥✤


suited style ♥✤ | Keep the Glamour | BeStayBeautiful

Swap these boots for some heals and I could definitely rock this at my office.

Love this look button down under sweater

The problem in some workplaces is that women have a very fine line that they can walk. If you dress frumpy you get over looked, if you dress with a sexier edge there are whispers that you are trying to sleep your way to the top, if you dress modern then you get “this isn’t a runway”, so what is a girl to do?

Basically it comes down to the knowledge that you can’t please everyone. As long as it is work appropriate, follow the basic rule….if you like it, wear it.  At the end of the day, you have to wear clothing that makes you feel confident and hold your head high.  As my father would always say, if they don’t like it then they should look away. Wise words. 

Guys, you have it easy, a nice pair of slacks or dress pants, a crisp dress shirt, a tie or sweater and you’re out the door. Or am I wrong? Do you face the same dilemma as us women?

Now my question is, how to get these outfits without spending my entire paycheck. ; -) Tell me, what is your style? 

This could easily fit into quotes and/or dress for success advice.

DIY Face Scrub

Bit by bit I am doing by best to step out of my comfort zone and do what I really enjoy. I’ve been saying that I want to do more tutorials and I’ve filmed a TON of them but (to be honest) never post them because I am my own worst critic.  Then I read this…


No more excuses. No more waiting. Time to start walking (even if it is only on my tip toes) in the direction I want to go. 🙂 So without further hesitation, here is my DIY Lemon and Sugar Face Scrub tutorial. Be kind. 😉