Monthly Archives: January 2013

Romantic Little Touches

You guys didn’t think I was done with all this lovey dovey stuff did ya? Nope, not even close.  We still have 14 more days (not counting today) to get in the spirit and enjoy a little romance.

I don’t have a lot of Valentine Decorations and in my opinion, there is no need to race off to the store and buy every red/pink heart-shaped decoration that crosses your path. Simply highlight those objects in your house that revolve around love, or DIY some cute little accessories that can stay out year round. For example, how cute, romantic and easy would this be to make? And bonus is that you can leave it out all year round.

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I absolutely love this. Again, another idea that you can leave out all year round; add this to your flower bed or hand it on a wall.

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This is a cute project you can do if you have kids or not. I mean who doesn’t love to play with paint and create a really cute art piece.  You can modify this so many different ways, such as flick paint on it with a brush. The sky is the limit here.

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And finally, below is one of my favorites. Again, another cute DIY project that can be left up all year round and definitely something that I would love hanging on my wall.

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Stay tuned for more Valentine’s Day prep.

Funny Sunny Hump Day

OH MY GOD!!! It is beyond gorgeous out.  All week it has been dipping down to  below freezing temperatures with snow and ice. Today we are supposed to get up to 58 degrees farenheit (12 degrees celsius).  Tomorrow, will be back down to below freezing.

But rather than think of that, I am definitely going to enjoy this glimpse of spring, soak up some rays, and giggle right through this hump day…..OH YEAH BABY!! We have made it to the middle of the week and the weekend is right around the corner. You know what that means??!! Let’s get our giggle on!

This is an accurate depiction of me this morning:

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Since the sun is shining….

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This one made me laugh….photoshop level: Obama. The last picture of the drums is the best.

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This seemed appropriate:

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 This is random but just had to post:

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And when today is over…

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Nail Inspiration

I usually don’t use any base coat or top coat when painting my nails, however over the Christmas holidays I was spoiled by my sisters and used their nail polish (base coat, top coat, and all). I couldn’t believe the difference. The nail polish went on smoothly, no bumps or bubbles and the quick drying top coat kept it looking shiny without the long wait for results.

I am now thinking that the base coat and top coat are crucial to well polished nails because without them it seems like I just can’t get my nail polish to look right. The most recent attempt was last night when I attempted, yet again, to paint my nails. I even did the whole blowing on them while holding them in the air away from anyone and any thing so they wouldn’t get smudged or smeared. All this effort was for not, this morning my nails are dull and imprinted with the crisscross pattern of my sheets…not a good look.  

As I cleaned off my once shiny nail polish, I looked to Pintrest for nail inspiration.

 I love nail art but my personal style is all about the less is more. I just don’t have the attitude to pull off the more dramatic looks such as the one below:

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Now this one is more my speed.

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You can still have beautiful and elegant nails that are unique and cute without going overboard.

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Even this, which is not your traditional look, is cute.

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 So what is your style? Do you like to go big and bold or more subdued?

And for all you nail guru’s out there, could someone please explain the reason behind the look below. The one pointed fingernail looks more like a weapon. 

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