Tag Archives: fashion

Dress For Success

Tank tops are the flip flops of the shirt world....

Do you ever feel like you get in a rut? Yeah we all do now and then. Mine latest rut is with my office wardrobe. I wear the same boring clothes every day. This is a common outfit that is sported around my office…

Basic black women's suit. Jacket and slacks. Jacket and skirt.

To me, this is BORING!!!! I want some colour, some curve, something that is feminine yet says I won’t take crap from anyone.

Dress for Success by justaddglam

So I say, time to start over and make some changes.  Reinvent myself and what a better time than now, on the cusp of a new season….Fall.

I just entered to win $5,000 and helped #SmartOnes donate to @Dress for Success! You can too! #inspiringsmartbeginnings

I love this, it is strong, bold and very feminine.

red + leopard


suited style ♥✤ | KeepSmiling | BeStayBeautiful

This is so simple and yet so gorgeous!

Cream Skirt & Top ♥✤


suited style ♥✤ | Keep the Glamour | BeStayBeautiful

Swap these boots for some heals and I could definitely rock this at my office.

Love this look button down under sweater

The problem in some workplaces is that women have a very fine line that they can walk. If you dress frumpy you get over looked, if you dress with a sexier edge there are whispers that you are trying to sleep your way to the top, if you dress modern then you get “this isn’t a runway”, so what is a girl to do?

Basically it comes down to the knowledge that you can’t please everyone. As long as it is work appropriate, follow the basic rule….if you like it, wear it.  At the end of the day, you have to wear clothing that makes you feel confident and hold your head high.  As my father would always say, if they don’t like it then they should look away. Wise words. 

Guys, you have it easy, a nice pair of slacks or dress pants, a crisp dress shirt, a tie or sweater and you’re out the door. Or am I wrong? Do you face the same dilemma as us women?

Now my question is, how to get these outfits without spending my entire paycheck. ; -) Tell me, what is your style? 

This could easily fit into quotes and/or dress for success advice.  www.srg-us.com

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Recently, I was tagged by Anouchka from Life of Bun to join in Confessions of a Shopaholic.  Of course, I couldn’t turn down the chance to talk about clothes, shoes, and accessories.

This tag involves a series of questions which gives a sneak peek into your style and closet. I decided to break it down into two posts mainly because I haven’t had a chance to take pictures of some items in my closet.

Let the fun begin!

1. Do you consider yourself a shopaholic?

I love looking online and in stores at clothes, shoes and so on but I will admit I seldom buy anything. So I think that would put me in the category of a clothing stalker rather than shopaholic. 😉

2. How would you classify your style?

Hmm, to be honest, my style is all over the place. But if I were to nail it down and I would say there are two distinct styles that occupy my closet.

The 1950-ish look. I love that this style is very tailored and very feminine. It flaunts your curves without revealing too much.

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And then there is the other side of me that loves looking more tomboyish and rough. These looks are right up my alley.

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Give me a pair of black high heel boots and I’m in heaven!

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99.999% of the time, you’ll find me in jeans and a t-shirt, hair pulled back in a pony tail or sloppy bun and my trusty Superman baseball hat of course. Jen know’s what I’m talking about. 😉

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 3. What store can you not leave without buying something from?

I would say that has to be Forever 21 (online since we don’t have one around here). They have wonderful deals and a wide array of selections.

4. Where do you find your best deals?

Forever 21, TJ Max, Ross, Target. I love searching through discount racks and finding a top marked down to $2 or $3 dollars.

5. What designer are you willing to splurge on?

I really don’t splurge. The brand or name of the item doesn’t matter that much to me. I’m all about scooping up a good deal.

Stay tuned for part 2 of Confessions of a Shopaholic.

Are you more of a shopaholic or clothes stalker? Do you go for the name brand or a great deal? What would you classify as your style?

Eggs and Bunnies

For all of us who celebrate Easter, or just like to get into the holiday spirit for the chocolate 😉 here are some cute little ideas to try.

As he did with Christmas, my little man is chompin at the bit for Easter to get here. So to help pass the time, I found these cute ideas just for him to do and help “prep” for Easter (aka keep him busy so he stops asking his mamma when is Easter over and over and over and over and over again) ;-).

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This is super cute and would be a nice little keepsake in his scrap book. We could use mommy, daddy, and JBear’s hands to make the wings.

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I love this game since you can tailor it from counting, to letters, to emotions….the possibilities seem endless.

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We have so many Easter traditions in my family but one that is very special is the Easter Bread (Guti di Pasqua). This year I am going to try my hand at Guti di Pasqua and hopefully (fingers crossed it turns out) surprise my mom.

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What a cute take on deviled eggs for Easter. I wonder if they taste any different? Huh – we’ll just have to make them and see.

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And then of course you must decorate….seriously, I told you guys before, any excuse I can use to decorate, I will! 😉

How stinkin cute is this for the front door?! It is relatable to Spring and Easter, and looks to be a quick and easy DIY piece. Love it!

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Here is another super cute piece that looks super easy to make. The best part about this one is that it is all candy so there is no need to take it down and put it away after Easter is gone…just munch, munch, munch. 😉

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These cupcakes are perfect for JBear’s class….that is if any make it there. They look DELISH!

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So we’ve talked a little about ways to keep you little ones busy, ideas on cooking, baking, and decorating your home.

Now we are on to beautifying yourself for the Easter holiday. This is the look I am thinking of rockin at Easter….

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It has all the elements, candy, easter eggs, her hair sort of looks like a nest….LOL.

Okay seriously, that may be a little too bold for me but the look below is right up my alley. The colours are pretty and if this is too bold for you, then you can easily calm it down for a more wearable daytime look.

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And last but definitely not least, what to wear. I love this look. It is not overly dressy but still cute enough to mark the occasion and it looks comfortable which is always a must have. Pair it with a cute sweater jacket and I’m all set.

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Stay tuned for more beauty, baking, decor, and DIY. If you missed motivational Monday, don’t worry, click here to get your dose of inspiration. 🙂