Ombre Tipsy Top Planter

Last year we decided to create a cute little tipsy top planter. I was so  surprised at how I could transform this little gem to match each season.

2012 Spring version


2012 Winter

phone 331

2012 Christmas Twist

phone 342

Now that we are back to flower season, I kept going back and forth on what flowers I wanted to plant. Decisions. Decisions.

I finally decided to create an  ombre look to my tipsy top planter. It sounded like a cool idea, so I crossed my fingers, and got to work.


I decided to plant the flowers darker at the bottom and lightest at the top.


These flowers look blue but were infact a really deep purple.

Next came the darker pink flowers.


Then the pinky yellow flowers


And finally the yellow flowers with a hint of pink .

I love it. But to be honest, I am not digging the pots. I think the need some colour; something that is bright and bold. Any ideas?

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13 responses to “Ombre Tipsy Top Planter

Speak to me! :-P